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Newsletter Rehabilitation Sciences
- 14th October 2021 -
We're all up and running in the new academic year and this fall will bring us new opportunities and challenges in the workplace. But do take the time for yourself, your work and pause and also this newsletter to be fully up to date. Nothing to be rushed, don't act like Bart and rather drive at 90 km/h were you could drive at 120 km/h.
The hybrid GE37 workplace

The COVID pandemic forced us to work (together) in new and different ways. ON and OFF campusn ON- and OFFline. The good practices we want to secure in our group, however a flexible working environment is not possible without a flexible office space. We're going full flex, back to fully fixed or somewhere in between? What about break-out rooms, small meeting or relaxation areas and other catchy concepts?
We want to tackle these issues in an ambitious project that will result in a enjoyable workplace for everyone. If you like to cooperate in this working group, let Thibault know by October 19.

Steering group Academic for Rehabilitation Sciences
The IPVK has morphed into the Academic for Rehabilitation Sciences and organisation wise a few changes are upcoming. Prof. Jessica Van Oosterwijck and prof. Roel De Ridder will act in duo as future chairmen and succeed prof. Philip Roosen and also the steering group will have a larger representation.
We're looking for nine motivated representatives for the steering group, for each domain: MSS, Paediatrics, Aging, Internal Disorders, Neuro, Logopaedics, Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Medicine. Anyone willing to engage in this, please give Thibault a heads up by October 28.
Science Day
On Sunday November 28 Flander's largest science fair will introduce the general public with the divers facets of scientific research. Several colleagues are participating with remarkable initiatives. Highly recommended to pass by with family or friends!
During the Gender Battle of Pain Amber Billens, Elise Cnockaert, Indra De Greef en Sophie Van Oosterwijck introduce the audience with the science of pain and the discussion who has the highest pain threshold might be settled.
Or you can come to Ghent University Hospital and test your balance in virtual reality on the GRAIL. Learn how rehabilitation takes place on an advanced treadmill in a virtual setting with a system for movement detection. Prof. Lynn Bar-On and dr. Anke Van Bladel are your guides in this world!
Sports symposium Centre for Sports Medicine

On Saturday November 27 the Ghent University Hospital Centre for Sports Medicine organizes their biennial sports symposium. This year's focus lies on individual sports versus team sports and experts share their experience in auditorium F from 9 am to 1 pm.

See the full program
Sign up (before November 22 - €15)

Research subjects wanted

Dorien Ceuleers (co-promoter prof. Hannah Keppler) seeks adults with normal hearing without known attention, learning and neurological conditions for her research on different factors influencing the understanding of speech with a cochleair implant. Participation consists of one testing moment of 2,5 h at Ghent University Hospital at which auditive, visual and cognitive tests will be executed.

Read more

Lecture Krista Bracke - PT Day

Last month during World Physical Therapy Day we invited writer and experience expert on person-centred care Krista Bracke to present her latest Van mens tot mens: hoe patiënten zorgverleners kunnen inspireren voorstellen.
If you missed the on/off campus lecture or want to review some passages, you can watch the full recording here.

Questions, remarks or suggestions for the newsletter?
Speak up via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!